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    Coming Soon: Affiliate Program Phase II

    Jan 09, 2023

    2 min read

    Order Book




    As first briefly outlined here last week, ApeX Pro announced the kick-off to Phase II of its Affiliate Program following Epoch 9 of its flagship trading event — Trade-to-Earn (T2E). With that, we are happy to announce that Affiliate Program Phase II officially kicks off on Jan. 16, 2023, 8AM UTC

    ApeX Pro is diligently building and fostering an avid community of affiliates who believe in the ApeX Pro mission as we work with each other to accelerate global adoption of decentralized finance (DeFi), and especially decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Our affiliates comprise an integral part of ApeX Pro's ecosystem and play a pivotal role in including and providing access to unreached microcosms of the wider Web 3.0 collective.

    Under ApeX Pro's Affiliate Program, an Affiliate is rewarded for onboarding traders onto ApeX Pro. Some of these traders can become sub-Affiliates to obtain rewards as well, when they themselves introduce their community to ApeX Pro and get them to register and trade on the platform.

    As Epoch 9 of T2E approaches, the affiliate community will start enjoying allocated rewards as outlined in the table below:

    *Exceptions may apply.

    From Jan. 16, 2023, 8AM UTC onwards, ApeX Affiliates can reap rewards with three (3) different tokens:

    1. Cashback in USDC

    2. T2E rewards in $BANA

    3. Plus extra rewards in $esAPEX (the escrowed version of ApeX Protocol's native governance token $APEX)

    Please note that:

    • Cashback in USDC is permanent

    • Extra rewards in $esAPEX will last for a total of three (3) months i.e. until Apr. 10, 2023.

      • There is a hard cap of 5,000,000 $esAPEX over this period (approx. 1,666,667 $esAPEX per month). Should the total number of $esAPEX rewards exceed this monthly limit, it will be split amongst eligible reward recipients according to this formula:

      • Total Rewards = Individual reward calculation / Total rewards allocated for all eligible affiliates during this month * 1,666,667

    • Rewards in $BANA will last until the end of the T2E program, ending on Nov. 20, 2023

    Benefits for Referred Traders

    If you are invited by an ApeX Affiliate to join ApeX Pro, you can enjoy a 5% discount on trading fees platform-wide. For more information on the ApeX Pro trading fees, please refer to our Gitbook explainer here.

    Next Steps

    If you are interested in becoming an ApeX Affiliate, please reach out to us via Discord under the 'Affiliates' channel. Our team will reach out as soon as we can.

    Once you register on the portal, you can generate an invite link and code that you can share with your community members. Please note that the invite link is applicable to web referrals, while mobile application users will have to use the affiliate invite code so pairing of a referee to respective affiliates can be registered. Once pairing is completed, traders can start enjoying trading fee discounts.

    Together, let's bring forth a new era of community-focused Web 3.0 trades in 2023.
